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Contact Info: +90 212 425 1313
Hall: 11
Stand: 1141B
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PAGEV is one of the leading nongovernmental organizations in Turkey. PAGEV is composed of over 950 trusteer and relevant 2000 companies that account for more than 88% of the plastics value chain in Turkey. The Turkey plastics industry makes a significant contribution to the welfare in Turkey by enabling innovation, creating quality of life to citizens and facilitating resource efficiency and climate protection. More than 250 thousand people are working in about 14,000 companies (mainly small and medium sized companies in the plastic sector) to create a turnover in excess of 34 billion $ per year. The value chain represented by PAGEV includes polymer manufacturers, product manufacturers, equipment builders and casting companies. PAGEV is the uniting force of the industry as well as the President of the TOBB Plastics, Rubber and Composites Industry Assembly, the umbrella organization of the industry founded by law. PAGEV is an active member of the European Plastics Converters (EuPC), European Association of Plastics Manufacturers (PlasticsEurope), Council of International Plastics Associations Directors (CIPAD), and Waste-Free Oceans Foundation (WFO). Furthermore, PAGEV Chairman Yavuz Eroğlu is the first and only Turkish national to be elected to EuPC Steering Committee. PlastEurasia Istanbul, the largest annual international plastics industry fair in Turkey and Eurasia, and the second largest event of its kind in the world, is held with the partnership of PAGEV and TÜYAP Fairs. This hallmark event brings the entire plastics industry together and showcases the latest developments and technologies in the industry. Please click here for more information PlastPak Izmir, another event that occupies a significant place among regional trade shows, is organized by the partnership of TÜYAP, PAGEV, Packaging Manufacturers Association, and the Plastics Industry Association of the Aegean. We have built vocational schools in Turkey in pursuit of our education mission, where we support an employment-based education model and help to meet the need for well-trained technical personnel in the industry. The PAGEV Küçükçekmece Vocational High School has a capacity of 1500 students while the PAGEV Gebze Vocational High School has 500. PAGEV AKADEMİ provides technical training delivered by subject matter experts to achieve process efficiency, reduce costs, and bring the right solutions to problems on a timely basis. The Turkish Plastics Industry and International Plastic Packaging Technologies Congresses we hold every year bring together the experts, industrialists and investors in the industry to promote the Turkish plastics industry across the world. For details, please click on the link. http// Our bimonthly PAGEV Plastics Journal (circulation 10,000) and the PlastEurasia Fair Newsletter (circulation 35,000) capture the latest trends and developments in the industry. Please click below to view the online edi



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